Monday, September 15, 2008

My new best friend

I love this phone. I know that a person shouldn't be so excited over a phone, but I am. My husband recently got an i-phone and we all know that is the sweetest phone ever, but his was free through work and I just don't need all of the stuff that it does. Less is better. Logan, of course, had recently told me that he was the ONLY 7th grader without a phone. We said "TOUGH!" He said his friend Katie asked for his number so she could text him. The horror was just so aweful for him to admit that he didn't even have a phone. Give me a break. We had been discussing a phone for him for a while to have for Show Choir stuff, etc. There have been times where I wished I could get a hold of him, so I wanted to add a BASIC line for him. No texting, no frills, nothin! So,I decided to upgrade to a phone with a better calendar system. Logan was so embarrassed in the phone store that I was insisting I wanted the phone with the best calendar besides the i-phone.

Anyway...I am loving this phone. I had forgotten to go pick up Market Day last week and now my phone will tell me who to pick up when and where, when to take the boys to piano, soccer, appts, etc. Woo hoooo.

My friend, Charlotte, thought that Logan was walking a few inches taller this week because of his new phone. Cracks me up since he isn't allowed to take it to school or anything. Just the extra things. He decided to actually take Barry's old phone since his was "waaaayyy cooler" than mine.

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1 comment:

Jeff and Amy said...

So funny, but I have to say working for Verizon we have some cool phones too like the iphone. LOL Seriously we sell phones to adults giving them to their kids as young as 5 and it wasn't the cheapest phone out there????? Both my boys waited til they hit middle school, it brings so much peace of mind sometimes because they are so busy and gone so much, enjoy your new phone.