Saturday, April 04, 2009

Egg Hunt/Gotcha Day

After Brandon's soccer game today, we picked up Justin and we also had Nick with us and we headed to Anna's preschool for an Egg Hunt. This is the mother of all Egg Hunt's! Seriously. It was packed, but in the 5-7 year old range, very few kids were there, so Anna and Justin really got a TON of stuff. They were so cute running around stuffing their baskets. It really bugs me every year at an egg hunt that I am always by myself and they separate the kids. I can't be in 2 places at once, so I always have to stay with the littler ones. I didn't get very many pictures of Nick and Brandon, but I did try to run over real quick to catch a glimpse of their faces in all the excitement. After we dropped Nick back off at the soccer field we headed back to take Justin to the restaurant. We drove right by Nelson Park and had to stop and get pictures with the beautiful daffodils. I would love to take Brandon back when we has a different color shirt on, but I doubt he will be cooperative. Actually he is such a ham, that he probably would agree!

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