Tuesday, June 01, 2010

One more


I have had fun getting all the flowers planted. Just seeing what I can NOT kill is a challenge, but so far, so good. Only one thing isn't doing very well. The deck is complete SUN and very HOT all day until about 4:30pm. We eat outside as much as we can. I got a chandelier and you can't really see it since the candles aren't in right now. We have spent the last few nights with the candles lit when it gets dark. The kids love it. I added some curtains, too, but I still can't get them pulled back like I want. Need help! I think I need to sew a pull back that is longer or something.
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1 comment:

Brant said...

Such a beautiful deck. See what you can do! And did I see you mentioned sewing -- the ambition. Good job!