Friday, May 04, 2007

I don't normally buy shirts with sayings or characters, but I thought this shirt was appropriate. We have 2 blue eyed boys and one brown eyed girl. What amazes me about pictures of Anna is that they often make her appear much bigger than she really is.

There are times that she eats like a horse and other times like a bird. The shirt above was a 4T so it could be washed and shrink some, too. The shorts, on the other hand were 24 months and they fell off her all day. I just can't buy the itty bitty shorts or they are just WAY TOO SHORT. So usually we settle in for the 12 month capris and we call them shorts. Or Grandma Judy fixes the bigger sizes that we buy. She has it down to a science!

We hope that our brown eyed girl gets over 26 pounds soon. She is now 3 years and a couple months old. Logan weighed more than that on his first birthday! Anna still eats odd at times. Very rarely will she eat something like bread for a sandwich. She just doesn't eat a lot of things with flour. If given a choice between chocolate cake and a fruit or veggie, she would simply eat the icing off the cake and then go for the nutritious stuff. She LOVES to eat butter or those fake tubs of fake butter. We are constantly catching her licking butter off her fingers. if she is given a roll with tons of butter on it, she will eat it. She could also live on Fried Rice with Chinese veggies, too.

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