Thursday, May 31, 2007


YEAH....we booked our tickets for our 15th Anniversary trip! We will be staying in Cancun for 5 nights. I can't even believe how nice that place is! We have never stayed anywhere like that before. I have only been out of the country China. Of course I would love to go back to China to visit and also work in an orphanage for a few days (tomorrow works for me), but Cancun will be a wonderful vacation. Barry has been to Scotland and England, though. We can't wait to have one-on-one time alone for so many days in a row. It is getting harder around here to have a conversation without being interrupted. We love our 3 kids more than anything, but we value our time alone, too. We started dating when I was 15 and Barry was 16, so we had many years together before kids. Still, quiet time is needed.

Here is a link to where we will be staying in the early Fall.

I also booked my tickets last month for Marco Island, where I will once again spend a few days in November with some of my best friends that travelled with us to China to adopt our girls. Can't wait for that trip, too.

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