Thursday, February 28, 2008






Logan has been sick all week with strep. He is feeling much better now, but man...he was sooo sick. Brandon was home sick, too. Anna was puny on Monday and off and on all week. It has been a long week.

Before Logan got sick, he went Rock Climbing with Scouts. He had a great time and earned a merit badge for the day. Barry went, too, and took some neat pictures. The first 3 pictures are NOT of Logan. Evidentally he made it about 15 feet before freaking out and if you ask Logan, he will say he didn't go into the silos because he didn't have time. I don't blame him. I would not go up that far either! The older boy scouts did go up that high, so maybe in a couple years Logan will,too. He has only gone Rock Climbing a couple of other times, but never at this place.
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