Sunday, January 19, 2020

Wednesday, January 22....out last day

The day started off like all of the others except one was our last. Our last day in this beautiful land. The Holiest of Holy Lands. The Land where we had all begun this pilgrimage together as strangers and now are friends. It was our last day and it was another great one. 

We began at the Old City entering Lion’s Gate. We went to the Pools of Bethesda. John 5:1-13 tells of this. 

Lions Gate 

Church of St Anne 

Church of St. Anne 

Pools of Bethesda

I found this picture so interesting. The old with the new. People actually live right there above this. 
Near the Sheep Gate in Jesus’ time, but now just inside Lion’s Gate (up there Street from the Garden of Gethsemane). 

Directly next to the pools is St Anne’s church. Anne (or Hannah in Hebrew) was Mary’s mother. We went inside and had scripture and song. Amazing acoustics here like all the other church’s that we sang in. 

Inside the Church of St Anne 

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